
The Beauty Of Self-Isolation


The Beauty of Self Isolation is two fold.

We get to feel it in two ways – deeply.

  1. Self-less – The first is so important. It’s always more powerful to do for others than ourselves. This time allows us opportunity to do more for others. And by do more I mean be more. Show up more powerfully for those around us because we are less stressed and less tapped with our own stuff. This is part of the underlying message and what the universe is wanting us to see right now.

    There is a lesson in this for us all. And being forced to sit at home and being forced to spend more time on the phone or with others virtually can be a good thing, especially in a time like this. With so much uncertainty and fear of the unknown we see the most vulnerable sides of others.

    And it’s in our own power and ability to show up for them that we can deepen our experience and deepen our bonds. Why not listen more? Listen better. Listen longer, intently. Ask follow up questions cause you really are listening and really do care to know. This is the power and beauty and magic of showing up for others in a selfless way. And really it may off the bat seem selfless, but we actually do get something out of being there for other people.

    And we do get something out of connecting deeply to our loved ones even if it means they do all the talking and we do all the listening. We get to know them and feel them and where they are in life in really profound ways. We might even learn something about them in the process that allows us to feel greater empathy and deal with them with greater care moving forward. When we allow people to be vulnerable beautiful things happen.

2. Self -reflect – And of course this is an opportune time to self reflect. I’m a big proponent of meditation and it really is an ideal time to just be win your self in silence. Take time to go inward and experience deep sincere self reflection. Sit in inquiry of your life. Sit in inquiry of the unknowns and all that is.

Reflect on how things are going for you. Reflect on your own fears and what it all means. Think about all your hold ups and hangs. Consider making a list. Linking – the LITE Guide here as a tool for you to learn the process of self-inquiry and be able to go inward along with the self-inquiry course. It’s a free download.

I walk you through the beautiful and powerful process of sitting in self inquiry. You come out understanding yourself on a deeper level and will learn a lot about yourself and hopefully be able to let go a lot of what has been holding you back. It’s my sincere hope you take this time to sit and be in reflection and allow certain things, resentments of the past to fall away.

And here’s an extra little bonus from me to you – A powerful way to self isolate – do the soul work! Download the soul work digest and get journeying inward.


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